Organisational Structure
Our structure is constantly evolving, lending SEV the flexibility and efficiency through which to achieve its objectives.
SEV has four main bodies:
The supreme body of SEV is the General Assembly, in which all members have a voice and vote. The General Assembly elects the Board of Directors (20 representatives), who, for a two-year term, are responsible for SEV’s strategic direction and management. From among the Board of Directors, the Chairman selects a small Executive Committee, which assists him in leading and managing SEV.
The General Council (90 members) is elected by the General Assembly and is the main advisory body. It convenes once a month, monitoring developments of relevance to SEV and discussing and exchanging views on issues of current interest to the business sector.
Members of the Board, SEV Secretariat personnel and SEV-member senior executives sit on the Permanent and ad hoc Committees tasked with monitoring strategic issues and making relevant recommendations. SEV permanent committees deal with issues such as education, vocational training, taxation, energy, natural environment, technology, public procurement and competition.
SEV has Representatives at numerous independent regulatory authorities and on committees governing bodies of organisations in Greece and abroad, and its Brussels office was established in 1962.