Lobbying with Transparency and Better Regulation
A panel discussion under the title “Lobbying with Transparency” was held on Friday 23th November 2018, with more than 100 attendants raising the issues of accountability, corruption, conflict of interest e.tc among business and other stakeholder’s representatives . The event was co-organised by Transparency International Greece and the Hellenic Alumni Association LSE and SEV participated in the discussion with Mr. Harry Kyriazis, Advisor to the Board of SEV. In his initial remarks Mr. Kyriazis highlighted that “only via a transparent and open dialogue between stakeholders and public administration, the consultation process is substantial and effective. This can lead to better decisions and consequently to better regulation”. He also added that “lobbying with transparency and clear rules can contribute to this end, and at the same time balanced representation of stakeholders is safeguarded”. While closing, he commented that “lobbying could be regulated in Greece”, and proposed the establishment of a relevant registry of actual representative bodies. Thought he stressed that the accompanying provisions should be as simple and clear as possible in order to be effective.
SEV is registered at the EU “Transparency register”, along with other 143 registrants based in Greece, and publicly publishes its positions on a regular basis.