European Elections 2024: The world is changing. Can Europe also change? #SEV4Europe

The EU must change course

The EU has been a model of social and economic development for many decades but, to address its growing competitiveness deficit that will enable it to maintain its social and economic prospects, the European project requires an immediate reboot. Many recent initiatives, such as the Green Deal Industrial Plan, the Net Zero Industry Act, the Critical Raw Materials Act, AI Act, as well as the Single Market and Competitiveness Report and the Long-term Competitiveness Strategy: beyond 2030, are steps in a positive direction. However, convincing answers and workable solutions are needed for the EU to develop sustainably, resiliently, inclusively, with a strong geopolitical presence, dynamic industry, competitive SMEs, innovation, technological evolution, and social prosperity.

The EU’s growth potential is not only affected by geopolitical challenges. Endogenous features such as, over-regulation, the lack of a coherent industrial policy, declining added value especially in cutting-edge technologies, a lack of skilled human resources and growing problems within the Single Market must be addressed immediately to ensure that the investment and economic gap does not widen further. Indicatively, in purchasing power terms, in 2008 the EU economy was 5.8% stronger than the US, while in 2022 it was 4.7% weaker than the US.

 What’s at stake

The 720 MEPs represent the second largest electorate in the world. Among them, 21 Greek MEPs will take responsibility for directing the future of the EU. Greece must be an integral part of the discussion. Its post-crisis resilience and many reforms, the improving investor confidence and economic performance are sources of optimism. But no EU country has the ability to go it alone, let alone the smaller ones.

Which EU do we want by 2030?

At these European elections, a clear message is needed for a change of course towards:

  • An EU that continues to evolve, develops with modern and open horizons, and prospers in an ever-changing world.
  • An EU of cohesion and cohesiveness, building a resilient, competitive, and sustainable economy as a prerequisite for security and strong economic prospects.
  • An EU with businesses leading the way in international trade, in the digital and green transitions, in innovation, and which constantly create value, today and for future generations.
  • An EU that remains the benchmark in terms of quality of life and attracting talent.

 The direction towards 2030

Whether our collective effort towards 2030 succeeds will largely depend on how we strengthen five main pillars of the European edifice.

  • A better and more efficient Single Market, without over-regulation, with an infrastructure that interconnects us, and with a balanced development of regions.
  • A shock of regulatory simplification and structurally reduced bureaucracy for a friendlier business and investment environment, especially for SMEs.
  • Strengthening re-industrialisation, for increased resilience, more employment opportunities, innovation, and strong international trade.
  • Empowering the labour market with state-of-the-art skills and flexibility for the changing work environment, so that people and businesses can adapt to the constant change.
  • An accelerated and successful transition to sustainable entrepreneurship, as an integral element of our legacy for future generations

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