Green Growth & Sustainable Development
Sustainability is imperative for long-term business success. By incorporating social and environmental criteria into their strategies, businesses can improve their ability to address regulatory, reputational, financial and liability risks, while enhancing their supply chain continuity, predictability, and resilience. SEV Business Council for Sustainable Development (SEV BCSD) role focuses on: a) scaling and accelerating businesses’ action in line with the EU Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), b) delivering solid business propositions to the public dialogue and creating a positive policy feedback loop that levels the playing field and turns climate and environmental challenges into opportunities.
- Address Climate Change
- Transition to a Circular Economy
- Streamlined Environmental Legislation
- Biodiversity preservation
- Sustainable food systems endorsement
- Promotion of SDGs
- Address Climate Change: SEV BCSD supports the EU Green Deal and its main objective to help Europe become the first carbon neutral continent by 2050. Aligned with the Paris Agreement requirements and the IPCC Special Report recommendations, reaching carbon neutrality is necessary to limit the average global temperature increase to 1.5°C. However, given that the EU accounts for less than 10% of global GHG emissions, a set of crucial framework conditions and related actions on both the European and the global level have to be fulfilled in order to address climate change risk. The EU’s climate ambition needs to be closely connected and equally reinforced with competitiveness and security of supply. At the national level, SEV BCSD represents the business community in the ongoing dialogue on national strategies for mitigation and adaptation, focusing on achieving a level playing field for sectors exposed to “carbon leakage” risk and addressing the various impacts of climate change on business and society. Greece’s, geo-location exposes it to both the risk of carbon leakage and to the impact of climate change (rising temperatures, water scarcity, drought, forest fires and agriculture losses).
- Transition to Circular Economy: SEV BCSD has long supported the incorporation of circular economy principles in the national growth strategy and business agenda. The EU Circular Economy Action Plan, elaborated through the “closing the loop” principle presents an opportunity for businesses to reform their value chains towards sustainable products and services, higher value for clients and customers, waste minimisation and environmental footprint reduction. SEV BCSD, advocates for accelerating the transition to a circular economy. The development of a secondary market for raw materials and circular products is crucial, but requires overcoming the limited consumer interest and awareness, as well as hesitant businesses. Creating a higher demand for circular products, enhancing access to funding in order to address the relatively high costs, and providing incentives to encourage moving up the waste hierarchy by developing adequate waste management infrastructure, are all necessary.
- Streamlined Environmental legislation: Compliance with environmental legislation remains a time and resource consuming process. SEV BCSD strives to streamline and enhance the efficiency of environmental legislation, its conformity with EU and international standards and best practices, as well as to promote cooperation and alignment between the national, regional, and municipal authorities. SEV BCSD focuses, inter alia, on expanding the use of ex ante cost-benefit analyses and ex post evaluations of legislation, policies and programs, in addition to substantially increasing environmental inspections and environmental impact assessments by involving certified experts from the private sector.
- Preserve Biodiversity: Healthy and sustainable ecosystems are crucial for resilience and growth. Natural resources and ecosystem services such as pollination of crops, water filtration, waste decomposition, climate sequestration and climate regulation are all heavily relied upon by businesses. Greece has abundant flora and fauna, including endemic species, and a wide variety of ecosystems and habitats. SEV BCSD aims for a solid legal framework that preserves, protects, and restores nature and incentivizes its sustainable use. Businesses’ ambition and action is best promoted through showcasing solutions and best practices that have already transformed commitments into meaningful actions.
- Sustainable Food Systems: In line with the EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy, SEV BCSD engages in the promotion of sustainable, resilient, and healthy food systems, capable of accelerating the accomplishment of climate and environmental objectives. A key component of the EU Green Deal, the Farm-to-Fork Strategy, through a holistic approach, encourages the sustainable transition across all segments of the food value chain. Taking into consideration the significant environmental, economic, and social footprint of Greece’s food sector, SEV BCSD encourages businesses to strengthen sustainable production and marketing practices, adopt circular business models, and empower consumers, while also reducing food loss and waste.
- Promotion of SDGs: Achieving the “Agenda 2030” requires the substantial engagement of the business sector. SEV BCSD promotes the incorporation of SDGs in business strategies, to connect global needs and ambitions with business solutions. SDGs allow businesses to assess and manage risk, strengthen their supply chains, and access growing markets. We focus on building support for SDGs throughout the business community, collaborating with all stakeholders to achieve the whole range of Global Goals and to drive the transformation towards sustainable markets.
Sustainability / Green Growth Working Group consists of highly experienced and motivated sustainability professionals, representing a wide variety of business and industry sectors. The group is driven by a shared commitment to provide business leadership for green growth and sustainable development. It offers the knowledge, best practice solutions and innovation necessary to speed up the action towards delivering the EU Green Deal and UN SDGs framework.
- Be connected by participating in workshops, round tables, panel discussions and networking events.
- Access intelligence powered by consulting boutiques and the in-house research team.
- Be involved in policy consultations and contribute to decision making procedures. Send your comments, views and ideas and help us promote growth, create new jobs and international competitiveness.
Find out more at www.sevbcsd.org.gr