Manufacturing is a crucial pillar of the Greek economy. Almost one third of jobs is directly or indirectly linked to it. SEV works towards a comprehensive industrial strategy, in line with European priorities, towards a digital, climate neutral, export-oriented economy with high value skills. Such a strategy can help raise Greek industry’s GDP share to 15% within a decade and create 550.000 new jobs in the process.
- The transition towards a sustainable, innovative, and export-oriented industrial sector for growth and jobs at the centre of Greece’s productive ecosystem.
- Smart Factory: A modern management and production system with upgraded telecommunications’ infrastructure (5G and high speed networks) and accelerated automation and digitalisation processes; State-of-the-art technologies (AI, Blockchain, Big data, IoT, VR, digital twins, etc.) and digital connections and synergies (3PL) to enhance B2B and B2C connections, including e-commerce. Promote the creation of locally developed technological solutions (AI, big data analytics, M2M, IoT, digital twins, cybersecurity, sensors, etc.) and new materials (bio- and nano-components, multifunctional and smart materials, etc). Reskill and Upskill the workforce.
- Green economy: A reduced industrial energy footprint through renewed building, production systems and CCS / CCU infrastructure. Promote the recycling and reuse of plastics (PET, HDPE), as well of industrial waste and materials to produce RDF or SRF. Invest in recharging and refueling systems for e-mobility. Increase the use of biomass, biogas, and geothermal energy; Deepen industrial symbiotic connections and improve waste management; Shield critical infrastructure from climate change.
- A predictable and competitive taxation framework that cultivates productivity, innovation, social and environmental responsibility, including tax incentive for investments (such as super and accelerated depreciations).
- Investment licensing reform, with emphasis on eliminating the administrative burden, barriers, and red tape. Simplification of investment licensing through a central licensing authority, one single license that unifies all permits, and binding deadlines for the public administration. Elimination of installation permits, at least for areas with defined land uses, replacement of existing operation licenses with ex-post notification systems.
- Energy market reform through the Target Model.
- Modern industrial infrastructure and especially, upgraded Industrial Parks with full access to national infrastructure grids and utilities services. Emphasis on interconnections between regional, national, and international transport, energy, telecommunications, and maritime networks, in order to fully exploit Greece’s geo-economic position at the crossroads of global supply chains and help accelerate digitalisation and decarbonization.
- Industry 4.0 skills that help adapt and fully utilise the available and emerging technologies. Expedite knowledge transfer across the economy and foster the productive engagement between the research and business communities.
- Industry & Manufacturing Council: The Council work towards developing and promoting policies, initiatives and actions that foster industrial growth, competitiveness, and job creation. Join the Council and boost the effort to strengthen industry in Greece.
- Energy Committee: The Committee develops policy recommendations for improved energy efficiency, competitive costs, and the implementation of EU law. Grid quality and interconnectivity, decarbonisation and investment in renewable energy sources, and a modern regulatory framework are key for an inclusive transition to a clean economy. Join the Committee and help adopt European best practices in the energy sector.
- SEV Business Council for Sustainable Development: Comprised of highly experienced and motivated industry leaders, the Council is committed to providing expert insight, best practice solutions and an innovative approach to green economy. Join BCSD and the dialogue between leading public and private sector stakeholders on the country’s path towards a sustainable future.
- Be connected by participating in workshops, round tables, panel discussions and networking events.
- Access intelligence powered by consulting boutiques and the in-house research team.
- Participate in policy consultations and contribute to decision making procedures. Send your comments, views and ideas and help us promote growth, create new jobs and international competitiveness.